Conference registration
On-line registration form
For security and privacy reasons, the registration and payment systems are not linked. Please see below for pre-payment information.
Registration fees
Pre-registration (by 2007-12-10):
Regular attendee: $175
Student/post-graduate: $100
Full registration (after 2007-12-10):
Regular attendee: $200
Student/post-graduate: $125
Payment instructions
The Dynamics Days website cannot be encrypted, therefore, you will need to call Sherry Hempfling at 865-574-5162 and give her the following information for pre-payment:
- Billing Address
- Credit card name (e.g. VISA, MasterCard, etc.)
- Credit card number
- Expiration date
- 3-digit security number (Card Verification Value - CVV) on back of card
Oak Ridge National Laboratory does not allow electronic transmission of
credit card data via email or fax. If you prefer, you can pay on site or mail a
check with registrant name (to match the check with the on-line registration
information) to the following address:
Sherry Hempfling
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
P.O. Box 2008
One Bethel Valley Road
Oak Ridge TN 37831-6008
Please contact Sherry Hempfling directly with any questions.
Note to student and post-graduate researchers
There will be some travel support for students and post-graduates who give either posters or talks. Because our budget is still in flux, stipends will be handled as reimbursements, and we cannot guarantee the amount at this time.
To become eligible you should indicate that you are a student or post-graduate researcher on the abstract submission page (either for contributed talks or posters). This indication will add you to the list for requested travel stipends. We will then follow up with email acknowledgements indicating your eligibility and providing further instructions. You should also be sure to let Sherry Hempfling know that you are a student/post-graduate and that you are giving a talk or poster when you pay your registration fee.